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Growth Statement

I've grown a lot throughout the year. I've grown as an artist, I've grown to be more social. And as a student. I grew as an artist because looking through my Digital Art page I've noticed that my skills have gotten a lot more better. From the Name Project to the Design Your Own Art Project, I have made huge improvements to my art. I became more social as the year went on and I've made a couple of friends. In the Sustainable Design Project I helped out  most of the other groups with their projects after I got mine done. Through that project I made a couple friends because I helped them out. Over the year I have made major changes to myself and how I see school. I made myself turn in homework, advocate for myself, and participate more often like I said in my POL. I noticed these changes when it was the last couple of weeks of school. I seen my grades and I didn't want go to summer school. That was also one of my motivators too. So I talked to Tina, Lauren, Stephen, and Kat to see what I could turn in before the end of the year to help my grades get better.

Growth Statement

What is better? To be born good, or to overcome evil nature through great effort? -Paarthurnax, Skyrim

Two of the three strengths that I have is Adaptability & Perseverance. I chose Adaptability & Perseverance because during the Rube Goldberg Project one of our teammates left and moved to another group. So we had to replace his step, but when we tried to replace it we had to change how our rube looked. When that happened I had to change some of my steps around to make it work with peer’s steps.

My other strength is Curiosity and Imagination. Mainly imagination, during the Rube Goldberg, we had to come up with steps that might be in the project in our group. So I came up with 2 steps that were a Rube in itself. Some Areas of Growth that I need to work on is Effective Communication, Advocacy, and Initiative. These areas of growth that I have is because throughout my school life I didn't really advocate for myself and I procrastinated all lot. Since I didn't really advocate for myself I didn't get the grades that I had the potential to get.My action plan is to participate a lot more than I do now. And having conversations more often with my teachers and parents about my grades and how I'm doing in school. What topic or experience have you engaged with this year that has caused the most personal or intellectual growth this year? The topic that has caused the most intellectual growth this year was the socialization unit we did in Humanities. Not knowing how society made me put on a mask. And how people automatically stereotype others based on movies, tv shows, media, and what they've been told.

Area(s) of Growth:
Effective Communication
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